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Electronics and Electrical Department, EED, in NCMS serves all basic and advanced techniques and technologies of electronics design and implementation. This is one of the most important aspects in filling the gap between the prototypes and ideas to qualified product.

To achieving such highly aimed goals, NCMS employs the state of the art technologies and/or processes with very high qualified engineers and technicians.

System design

System design is the ability to do ​product design from the block diagram level to a complete detailed schematic. Any system, as per electronics prospective, contains one or more of the electronics and electrical technologies or techniques.

Mainly, there are four basic parts which are Analogue, Digital, Power supply (PS), and Radio Frequency (RF) sections. Each of these sections contains subsections underneath and the number of these sections depends mainly on the design requirement.

The main fields which EED deals with during system design can be summarized in the following categories:

  • Components and module levels in both digital and analogue systems
  • Embedded systems including System-on-Chip (SoC) and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
  • Portable and Real-Time-Operating-System (RTOS)
  • Digital-Signal-Processing/Processor (DSP) at hardware and software levels
  • Numerical solutions and filter design (FFT, IIR , FIR)
  • RF and telemetry communications
  • Control systems: Using Microprocessor μP, and Microcontroller μC
  • PID , adaptive, position, and speed control with all variants
  • Analogue and Digital interfaces.
  • Power supply (PS) design: Linear, Switching Mode PS (SMPS), and Mixed PS
  • Electrical: Low power grid distribution, Power quality and availability.
Prototyping ​ ​

One core of electronics development is the ability to produce prototypes and concept proof. In electronics field, that mainly is prototyping Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), rework, and testing and inspection abilities.

EED PCB prototyping abilities can be summarized in the following categories:

  • PCB engraving
  • This is a rapid and very small PCB production for testing and proof of concept. Usually it is single, or at most double, side PCB.

  • Soldering and rework
  • This section to install and/or remove components from a production or prototyping PCB.

  • Inspection and testing
  • For trouble shooting and production inspection, NCMS provides facilities to test PCBs either before or after mounting the components. That can be done by utilizing special and high magnification inspection tools, along with specialized flying probe techniques.

CAD and Simulation ​

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and simulation is one of most important section in any electronics department for design and production. This section uses Electronic Design Automation, EDA, to generate all required schematic and PCB layout with all necessary data for manufacturing. In addition to that, this section produces the source code in various languages such as Assembly, C/C++, and VHDL. To achieve this, NCMS utilizes state of the art technologies in performing such tasks. Parallel processing and GPUs utilization are very advanced techniques to simulate and analyze all types of designs and perform thermal analysis.

To succeed in performing all of CAD complex tasks, EED in NCMS utilizes advanced computer programs and techniques such as:

  • EDA From schematic to PCB and manufacturing requirements
  • With very sophisticated programs and advanced workstations this task can be perform with precise and high international standards.
  • Signal and power integrities
  • This is very essential design requirements as per the international standard. Failing to perform this integrity checks, the product would not be reliable.
  • Simulation and thermal analysis
  • This part can be considered as important as the integrity check. Failing to dissipate the thermal profile evenly would cause derating and instability of the system. Therefore, that would impact the reliability of the system.
  • Utilizing GPUs and parallel processing
  • Timing diagram and VHDL coding
  • Assembly and C++ hardware coding
  • Matlab/Simulink simulation and hardware integration
Testing and protections: ​​

As the use of Radio Frequency, RF, equipment grows in our society, the need of Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC, and Electromagnetic Interference, EMI, compatibilities increases significantly. Therefore, insuring compliances with high standard is very essential. EED designs and performs these compatibility tests and insures the compliance of concrete standards such as IEC, ISO. Please note that, the depth of application of these standards is contractual and mutual agreement between the designer and the customer.

EED is able to design and perform compatibility tests and protections in the following fields:

  • EMC and EMI
  • Testing procedures
  • Grounding and shielding
  • Protection techniques
  • Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
  • Testing procedures
  • Protections and handling
  • Antistatic, insulated and conductive environment
  • Data acquisition and signal analysis.
  • Signal injection and coupling
Integrated Logistical Support (ILS) ​​​​

ILS is one of the most important aspects of any reliable product design. That because ILS counts for important factors during the design, manufacturing, and product life cycle. ILS insures the product to function as it was designed during the complete life span of the product. ILS covers several categories in any product operation, maintenance, and guarantee during product life time. These categories include Readability, Maintainability, Testability, and proper documentation of the product.

As ILS goes deeply in any product design, the factors that control its path increase and become complex. The following points outline the main framework of ILS field.

Reliability ​​​​
  • Mission profile
  • Derating stress test
  • Reliability prediction: Failure Rate (FR), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure), NPRD (Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data) knowledge, ITEM Toolkit management.
  • Thermal analysis
  • Physical and application parameters
Maintainability and Testability ​​​​
  • Testability Objectives
  • RAMS (Reliability, Availability , Maintainability and Safety) & RMT (Reliability, Maintainability and Testability)
  • Reliability
  • FMEA-FMECA (Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis) & FC (Failure Catalogue)
  • Built-In-Test (BIT)
  • Availability
  • Maintainability
  • Maintainability vs Maintenance
  • Testability
  • Mechanism for Testing
  • Testability Techniques
  • Real Application Systems
Requirement: ​​​​
  • EDs (high level requirements) European Document requirement.
  • ILS requirements (low level requirements)
  • Specification and CDRL
  • IPL (Initial Provisioning List)
  • LSAR (Logistic Support Analysis Record).
  • ILSP (Integrated Logistic Support Plan )
Technical Documentation ​​​​
  • Prediction Software such as QuART PRO and SLICwave tool management​​